Advanced QuickTime support for Xojo

Plugin Installation

To install the plugin, simply create a folder, if it does not already exist, in the same folder as the RealBasic application called "Plugins" then, toss the plugin into this folder and fire-up RealBasic. Your new application can now take advantage of the added functionality of the QTPlugin.

In order to avoid any conflicts or problem with earlier versions of the plugin, be sure to remove any pre-existing QTPlugin version from the "Plugins" folder

In addition, occasionally, the new incremental compiling mechanism introduced in the latest versions of the RealBasic IDE could lead to the need to clear the projects cache (this issue has been fixed by RealSoftware in the Realbasic 2009 Release 1). To accomplish that do the following steps:
On Macintosh:

  1. go to the ~/Library/Caches/REALbasic/
  2. remove any item from that folder
  3. rebuild your project
On Windows (systems earlier than Vista):
  1. go to \Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Realbasic\
  2. remove any item from that folder
  3. rebuild your project
On Windows Vista (thanks to Bodo Hantschmann for the hint) the path above has to be replaced with:
Note that, usually this folder is invisible, therefore you have to allow access to hidden and system files in the Vista folder options.
